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Families are Safe and Economically Stable (Harford) (Formerly Stability)

Child Poverty: % of Harford County Children Under 18 Living in Poverty

Current Value




Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

What are the top 3 root causes/contributing factors?
  1. Underemployment/Condition of Economy
  2. Broken supportive relationships

  3. Behavioral health issues (mental health/substance use)


List two key partners with a role to play in improving this that we have not included in the past:

  1. Civic Groups (Elks, Lions Club, Rotary, etc.)
  2. Trusted Business establishments (barber & beauty shops, community centers)
  3. High profile figures – breakdown stigmas
  4. Lived experience (past & current stories/input)

What Works

Current Initiatives/Programs:
  1. The SUCCESS Project – LMB **
  2. Harford Community Action Agency – partial LMB funding **
  3. HCAA - food bank/eviction prevention/utility assistance
  4. Susquehanna Ministerium
  5. Susquehanna Workforce
  6. Wage Connection
  7. Crisis Center and Mobile Crisis
  8. Celebrate recovery (NA/AA/NAMI)
  9. TRAC - referral service for at-risk families
  10. PPW's
  11. Judy Center 
NEW/Off the wall ideas:
  1. The Open Table Concept
  2. Use Chamber of Commerce/business as trusted messengers/sponsors
  3. Mentorships/Sponsors
  4. Success Stories from those with lived experiences 



What do we propose to do/fund?

  1. Speakers/bank of people with lived experience
  2. Open Table Concept
  3. Anti-stigma campaign using barber shops/beauty salons (DVD, video, media technology)

Data Discussion

The percent of children under age 18 whose family income is equal to or below the federal poverty threshold.

Maryland rate for 2017 is 12.4%.

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