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THT Objective: Sustainable funding that provides facilities, technology, resources and services that deliver social, cultural and economic benefits to Horowhenua Communities. and 1 more... less...

Sustainability - Facilities, technology, resources and services that deliver social, cultural and economic benefits

% of funding from sources other than the Annual Grant.

Current Value


Q4 2016


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

HDC Community Outcome: A healthy local economy and a District that is growing.

THT Objective: Sustainable funding that provides facilities, technology, resources and services that deliver social, cultural and economic benefits to Horowhenua Communities.

Prior to the opening of Te Takere THT had a target to raise 15% of its operating budget from sources other than rates. This was the figure determined by HDC as the appropriate private/public split. With the development of Te Takere THT Trust has needed to generate revenue in order to fund demand for services, meet its objectives and achieve the performance measures negotiated with Council each year.

What We Do

Annual budgets are built around a target of 25% but the more revenue that can be generated the more the Trust can invest back in the community through programmes, activities and resources.

THT has 3 main avenues of revenue:

  • Council funding through rates,
  • Trading activities; predominantly Function Centre, Travel Centre and AA Services
  • Grants, donations and sponsorships.

THT is a donee organisation which means that charitable donations are tax deductible.

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