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100% of children are fully immunized and 3 more... less...

Community Snapshot - Disaggregated Data

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% of TTUSD kindergartners with required immunizations

Current Value


SY 2022


TTUSD is mandated by the state to verify students' immunization records before the start of transitional kindergarten/kindergarten and seventh grade.

Those 10 vaccines include diphtheria, hepatitis B, hemophilus influenzae type b (commonly referred to as Hib), measles, mumps, pertussis, poliomyelitis, rubella, tetanus, and varicella.

For more information about school immunizations requirements please visit the California Department of Public Health’s website

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What is this Indicator?

The immunization status of kindergarten students is assessed by California schools and reported to the Immunization Branch of the California Department of Health Services. The California School Immunization Law requires that children receive a series of immunizations before entry into schools, child care centers/preschools and family child care homes.

Immunization protects community health in multiple ways: immunized individuals are protected from disease; if the community is immunized, the target disease is minimized or eradicated; and those who have weak immune systems or cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons are protected in an immunized community. Children are more vulnerable and prone to illness than healthy adults due to their immature immune systems. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends young children should be fully immunized against Polio, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Tetanus, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella, Varicella (Chicken Pox), Haemophilus Influenza Type B, Hepatitis A, and Hepatitis B.

Data Source: CA Department of Health Services

Story Behind the Curve

In 2011, Tahoe Forest Health System (TFHS) convened a group of health professionals to focus on improving immunizations rates within TTUSD through targeted parent outreach.

In 2016, immunization requirements for children entering child care or school changed with the passage of Senate Bill 277, which no longer allowed parents to submit a personal beliefs exemption to a required vaccine.  (The law grandfathers in students who are already enrolled in school and already have vaccine exemptions based on personal beliefs or religion until they reach seventh grade.)

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