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All Children Are Healthy

% of Children Ages 0-5 Who Receive a Routine Developmental Screening


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Measures and Data Sources

Eventually get data from Square one COIN program.

Different types of providers are using different screenings. ASQ, SE, PEDS... Don't currently have a way to have consistent data across the city.

ASQ and ASQ SE (social emotional) is generally considered the most comprehensive, involves the family and Gross, Fine Motor, Problem Solving, Communication as opposed to SE only focusing on Social and Emotional. MA Dept of EEC also uses ASQ. Also for Healthy Families America, Mass Home Visiting Initiative through DPH. Early Intervention only uses ASQ SE because they have their own tool for development assessment.

There may be some interest from EI to get some home visitors to use ASQ as part of Project Drive.  The incentive is being able to get access to shared data back to the providers.

EEC Project COIN - Goal to increase developmental benchmarks for 3 year olds by 25%.  There was not comprehensive city-wide data to even know where kids currently are, so they are working on a city-wide database...Project Drive.  (Started in Boston by United MassBay with pilot in Chelsea.)

Springfield can use the existing state-wide database. Springfield needs to fund the parent screeners. Also need to figure out the location and policies for data sharing between entities. DPH has hired the ripples group as a consultant to see if data could be shared at a state-level.

COIN next step - info session for those programs who are interested in Project Drive. They want to:

 1 - Capture data on screenings that are already happening, and

 2- Have more screenings occurring using parent screeners.

They have MOUs for community orgs and United Way for data sharing.

COIN will have 4 interns from Springfield College for the summer.

Kathleen will reach out to Project Access research partnership if there might be a student interested in helping do an assessment of which screenings are being done by which programs in the city.  Also, perhaps Umass Center for Research on Families might support a student to help. 

Davis may be able to fund a specific internship opportunity for a discreet task.

Molly organize a meeting between SPS and COIN to discuss each of their data systems and how things may be coordinated with early ed providers.  

COIN wants to focus more on engagement with family childcare providers.

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