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Support the growth and vitality of working farms and managed forests; and sustainably manage sand and gravel extraction operations.

Number of Forested Acres enrolled in the Current Use Program

Current Value

67,210 acres



Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

This indicator measures the amount of forested land and non-productive forested land  enrolled in the Use Value Appraisal Program (Current Use). Non-Productive forests are often wetland areas, which are critical ecologically but not a significant contributor to saw timber production.Land in the current use program is taxed based on the forested use instead of the market value of its highest potential use.

Why Is This Important?

The amount of land enrolled in current use is an indicator of our working landscape economy. The current use program is needed to keep  forest land in production and to help slow the development of them. Forested lands are a valuable part of our economy in terms of products and tourism.

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy