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Families are thriving and actively engaged

% of persons potentially eligible who receive SNAP in Chisago County

Current Value




Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve


The Chisago County SNAP Team includes the School Lunch coordinators; DHS, Income Maintenance Supervisors; Social Service representatives; Public Health; SHIP coordinator; Family Pathways food shelf coordinators; Lakes and Pines CAC representatives (SNAP outreach grantee); Second Harvest outreach (SNAP outreach grantee); Farmers Market coordinator - Chisago City; Area Agency on Aging (SNAP outreach grantee); Housing Specialist.


The Chisago SNAP Outreach team meets on a quarterly basis to discuss area resources, what partners are currently doing so duplicate efforts are avoided and encourage new strategic dialog. As a group, it is our goal to address food insecurities in Chisago County while maximizing the teams resources.



SNAP eligibility and free lunch enrollment - sub project

Meet and improve relationships

Monitor data for change

Direct certification

Why Is This Important?

The purpose of this measure is to show how well the nutritional needs of the county's poorest residents are being met. It measures how Chisago County is administering the SNAP and MFIP Food program.

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