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Vermont Department of Health

Vermont Department of Health - AHS Goal 2

% of schools participating in the School Wellness awards

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Story Behind the Curve

Last updated: August 2014

Author: Physical Activity and Nutrition Program, Vermont Department of Health

The goal of the Vermont Department of Health is to have 20% of Vermont schools participating in the School Wellness Award program. In 2014, 12% of Vermont schools applied for the award, down from 19% in 2013. There was a change in the award program this year, which lowered the amount of money a school could win from a high of $5,000 to $1,000, but increased the total number of awards given from 10 to 24. Additionally, in 2014, it was required that schools spend their award money on preparing for the new school food requirements, rather than having the funds to spend as they like. It is possible that the decrease in applications was due to these changes.


What Works

Research found on the Centers for Disease Control website shows a correlation between school health, student health, and academic performance. The Vermont Department of Health supports schools in focusing on health policies and practices to support improved academic performance. Through the School Wellness Awards, high achieving schools that embed healthy practices and strategies are recognized. They also provide useful data to the Health Department regarding health and wellness activities in Vermont schools.

School wellness programs benefit staff and students alike. By providing access to healthy food, physical activity and appropriate medical management for students, they create a stronger working and learning environment.

Action Plan

A retrospective evaluation is currently in progress to understand the value of School Wellness Awards to schools and students, and to determine how well the awards are aligned with Vermont Department of Health strategies. Once the evaluation is complete, Vermont Department of Health staff will choose a course of action which ensures that their work is directly impacting student health and wellness.

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