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Local Care Team Administration (Somerset County) Annual

How much: # of unique referrals that resulted in one or more reviews by the LCT during the reporting period (Annual)

Current Value


FY 2023


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Story Behind the Curve


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Data Discussion

FY23: Major reasons why the LCT did not review all unique referrals: Some referrals can result in warm handoffs when a full review is not required, when the referral case does not fall into a Directive 3 Category, or when the family is not endorsing their willingness to engage in the forum. There were some referrals this period where the family never responded to attempts to sign the Release of Information Form and/or to scheduling with the LCT. Additionally, we had another case refer themselves back to the LCT after closure for VPA when this was not available and therefore they were given instructions on how to request VPA through LDSS and given consult to refer to their last LCT's Care Plan with Individualized recommendations, resources and supports in their their area to assist past the agencies already in place working with the family youth.

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Clear Impact Suite is an easy-to-use, web-based software platform that helps your staff collaborate with external stakeholders and community partners by utilizing the combination of data collection, performance reporting, and program planning.

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