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Increase physical activity in Butte County elementary schools

Why Is This Important?

Evidence is growing that interventions to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviors have positive results and are generally inexpensive to implement. National and international health organizations are calling for a comprehensive approach for reducing obesity in children that includes increasing physical activity in the school setting.


CSU Chico Center For Healthy Communities, CSU Chico Kinesiology Department, Butte County Public Health Department

Accomplishments To Date

  • A committee has been formed to support Butte County schools’ efforts to increase physical activity opportunities throughout the day.
  • Outreach activities were conducted for Thermalito schools to complete the “Let’s Move Active Schools” assessment tool, a validated assessment instrument.

Current Activities

  • “Let’s Move Active Schools” assessments are being completed by Thermalito elementary schools.
  • Once the assessments have been completed the physical activity committee will reconvene to analyze results and develop an action plan for the 2017-2018 school year based on assessment results.

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