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Future Outlook


There are new approaches to public health dentistry that will make its delivery more effective in the future. Improving dental health with cultural and linguistically appropriate oral health services will allow patients to more clearly understand professional information and make personal decisions to protect and promote their health.

Oral health is starting to have an increased importance in health histories, primary assessments and physical exams. In medicine, we are starting to see a team-based approach to primary care with inter-professional cooperation across all disciplines that will improve our systemic health outcomes. Pediatricians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants are beginning to perform dental screenings and provide direct preventive services. Students from different backgrounds, such as physicians, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, and physician assistants, are beginning to train together during rotations to learn oral health core competencies which will improve communications and patient results. Mobilizing our existing trained public heath hygienists, school health nurses, teachers, community health workers and senior caregivers all will play a valuable role in connecting children a and elders to local dental homes that provide education, prevention and corrective dental services.

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