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Focus Area #5: Oral Health Education and Promotion

Why Is This Important?

Success of oral health initiatives is often dependent on modifying individual behavior oral health care. Taking health literacy in to consideration when educating the community and promoting health behaviors is vital. Additionally, the incorporation of age appropriate dental education and nutrition counseling into clinical and school settings is essential to creating community level change. Educating the public in basic preventive behaviors will improve the health of those people who are suffering with untreated dental disease and will, more importantly, empower individuals to stop new disease before it starts. This is especially important for parents and care givers. Comprehensive oral health education should include the role of nutrition because eating patterns and heavy sugar consumption is associated with dental decay. While awareness about the importance of oral health is on the rise, there is a ways to go yet in terms of promoting oral health policies, program and health behaviors which will ultimately reduce oral disease.

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