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Maternal and Child Health Partnership

Why Is This Important?

The Nebraska DHHS 2010 comprehensive five year needs assessment found that less than half of Medicaid eligible children were receiving their annual preventive dental services.1 They also discovered oral health disparities that affected very young, low income and children with special health care needs. Lack of pediatric dentists, shortages in funding and lack of coordination of existing efforts were contributing factors to poor oral health. MCH created a priority listing of their top focus areas for 2010-2015 and increased access to oral health care for children was among the top ten in significance. MCH can support the OOHD through internal allocations and LPHDs can receive sub awards to support community dental programs.


1. Nebraska Department of Health and Human Service. Nebraska’s Title V 5-Year Needs Assessment 2010; 2010. Available at:

How We Impact

Many state level dental programs partner with the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCH) to jointly provide preventive and primary care services through the Title V MCH Block Grant.1 Title V and Title XIX (Medicaid) of the Social Security Act jointly require that the state level Title V program and Medicaid have an interagency agreement to coordinate and maximize services. This agreement further ensures that Medicaid enrolled MCH populations have access to dental care.


1. Nebraska Department of Health and Human Service. Nebraska Maternal and Child Health Block Grant 2015. Retrieved Date: 03/11/2015. Available at:

Who We Serve

MCH serves all infants, children, youth, women of child bearing age and children with special health care needs.

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